Listening In Christ Retreats
These group and individual Immersion Retreats are designed to help people learn the spiritual discipline of listening prayer in order to recognize God’s voice. In a relaxed atmosphere of beauty, hospitality and grace, people come to know more deeply the loving intimacy they can experience with Jesus through teaching, silence, and dialogue.
What Is A Listening In Christ Retreat?
It is a weekend away from your routine with all of its worries, frustrations, and obligations to spend focused time with God. It is time to receive His love and hear His voice. It is time to be refreshed and renewed by His overflowing grace.
What Do You Mean “Hear His Voice”?
We mean hearing Him speak to you through the Scriptures, His creation, other people and through His “still, small voice” (I Kings 19:12) in your heart. God speaks to those who listen for Him. You don’t have to be super spiritual. You just have to give Him your time.
What Will We Do On Retreat?
You will have time to listen, worship, pray, and rest. You will listen to teaching, read the Bible, share your thoughts, walk the land, sing, and maybe even laugh. You will spend time alone and together. You will not be rushed into anything. You will be served.
What If I’ve Never Been On Retreat?
That’s okay, all you need to do is show up with a desire to spend time with Jesus. We’ll take care of the rest. God knows who you are and what you need. In fact, He’s the one who brought you on retreat so you can relax.
What If I’ve Never Heard God before?
That’s okay too. We all need to learn to recognize His voice. It takes patience and practice. God is faithful; if you seek Him, He will find you. Trust Him.
Do I Have To Know The Bible Well?
No, we will lead you through the weekend in a way that is easy to follow. If you don’t know the Bible this will be a time to get acquainted with it. If you do, it will be an opportunity to study and reflect on the Word. Remember, the emphasis of the retreat is on listening and hearing. There are many ways to do that, although the Scriptures are key.
What Does The Retreat Cost?
The cost for a Friday evening to Saturday evening retreat is $90 per person. You will have a snack on Friday evening, and 3 meals on Saturday. The food is wonderful, by the way. We are serious about the grace of hospitality.
Who Will Lead the Retreat?
Kit and Tricia McDermott from Imagine have led these retreats since 1990.
Where Will This Retreat Be Located?
At a retreat facility where there is plenty of space to be alone with God and to enjoy the beauty of His creation as you walk the land. The Lord has granted His peace to this place.
So What Do I Do To Go On A “Listening in Christ” Retreat?
Contact Tricia McDermott, by email tricia@imagineministries.net or phone 860-729-2557.